
Field Type Description
results [company.VATChange] Array of company.VATChange
next Dictionary? Nullable. The query parameters you need to request the following results. Is null when there are no results left



When used inside a request.

Example 1

    "results": [
            "product_id": 13,
            "product_price_id": 18,
            "product_option_id": 17,
            "percentage": 9.67,
            "method": "delivery",
            "start_date": "2019-01-31"
            "product_id": 17,
            "product_price_id": 18,
            "product_option_id": 15,
            "percentage": 9.67,
            "method": "delivery",
            "start_date": "2019-01-31"
            "product_id": 15,
            "product_price_id": 15,
            "product_option_id": 12,
            "percentage": 9.67,
            "method": "delivery",
            "start_date": "2019-01-31"
    "next": {
        "product_id": 17,
        "product_price_id": 15,
        "product_option_id": 16,
        "before_id": 17,
        "after_id": 17,
        "sort": "ascending",
        "limit": 12


When returned in a response.

Example 1

    "results": [
            "product_id": 13,
            "product_price_id": 12,
            "product_option_id": 15,
            "percentage": 9.67,
            "method": "delivery",
            "start_date": "2019-01-31",
            "id": 18
            "product_id": 18,
            "product_price_id": 17,
            "product_option_id": 18,
            "percentage": 9.67,
            "method": "delivery",
            "start_date": "2019-01-31",
            "id": 17
            "product_id": 19,
            "product_price_id": 18,
            "product_option_id": 13,
            "percentage": 9.67,
            "method": "delivery",
            "start_date": "2019-01-31",
            "id": 19
    "next": {
        "product_id": 11,
        "product_price_id": 16,
        "product_option_id": 10,
        "before_id": 14,
        "after_id": 11,
        "sort": "ascending",
        "limit": 11
Version update available Please adjust your integration to the latest stable version (1.9.0)
0.2.2 stable