Get order count for a company

GET /management/companies/@id/orders/count

Get order count for a company



This endpoint requires authentication.

Header Value
Authorization Set the value to Bearer + + access_token

Query string (URL)

Append the querystring with following properties to the URL.

Field Type Description
acquire_method [String] Optional. Array of acquire methods. e.g. takeout, delivery or latch
acquire_on String Optional. String enumarion of 'one_year_ago', 'this_year', 'last_month', 'this_month', 'yesterday', 'today', 'tomorrow', 'later'
created_on String Optional. String enumarion of 'one_year_ago', 'this_year', 'last_month', 'this_month', 'yesterday', 'today', 'tomorrow', 'later'
status [String] Optional. Array of statuses. e.g. unread, read, approved, preparing, ready, other
shops [Int] Optional. Array of shop ids
search String Optional. A String value
flags [String] Optional. Array of flags. e.g. has_invoice, has_warranty, has_comments

Example request 1

GET /management/companies/@id/orders/count?acquire_method%5B0%5D=takeout&acquire_method%5B1%5D=delivery&acquire_method%5B2%5D=latch&acquire_on=one_year_ago&created_on=one_year_ago&status%5B0%5D=all&status%5B1%5D=unread&status%5B2%5D=read&status%5B3%5D=approved&status%5B4%5D=preparing&status%5B5%5D=ready&status%5B6%5D=other&shops%5B0%5D=10&shops%5B1%5D=14&shops%5B2%5D=10&search=...&flags%5B0%5D=has_invoice&flags%5B1%5D=has_warranty&flags%5B2%5D=has_comments HTTP/1.1
X-VERSION: 1.10.0
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5


Example response 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 2

This is a development version Do not use this version in production
1.10.0 development