
Contains the opening hours for a given takeout method, vending machine...

Field Type Description
name String Translated name of this takeout method or machine
description String? Nullable. A String value
type String String enumarion of 'open', 'takeout', 'delivery', 'latch'
hours [Hours] Array of Hours


Example 1

    "name": "...",
    "description": "...",
    "type": "open",
    "hours": [
            "days": "5",
            "times": [
                "08:24 - 14:14",
                "08:24 - 14:14",
                "08:24 - 14:14"
            "days": "5",
            "times": [
                "08:45 - 21:16",
                "08:45 - 21:16",
                "08:45 - 21:16"
            "days": "5",
            "times": [
                "06:31 - 15:22",
                "06:31 - 15:22",
                "06:31 - 15:22"
Version update available Please adjust your integration to the latest stable version (1.9.0)
1.2.0 stable