Search shops

GET /shops/search


Query string (URL)

Append the querystring with following properties to the URL.

A dictionary with fields

Field Type Description
query String Optional. A String value
coordinates Coordinates Optional. Coordinates of a place in the world
distance Int Optional. An integer value
sortBy String Optional. String. Should be equal to 'distance'
company_id Int Optional. Only return shops of this company ID

Example request 1

GET /shops/search?query=...&coordinates%5Blatitude%5D=1%2C54361&coordinates%5Blongitude%5D=0%2C45645&distance=17&sortBy=distance&company_id=11 HTTP/1.1
X-VERSION: 1.7.0
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5


Array of Shop.detailed: [Shop.detailed]


Field Type Description
id Int Id of the shop
name String Name of the shop (translated)
address Address.detailed An address
allow_comments Bool A boolean value
url String A String value
allow_order_comments Bool A boolean value
allow_product_comments Bool A boolean value
allow_order_messages Bool A boolean value
offers [Offer.simple] Array of Offer.simple
images [String: Image] Dictionary of Image with keys of type String
allow_orders Bool A boolean value
delivery_use_intervals Bool A boolean value
categories [Category.simple] Array of Category.simple
category_groups [CategoryGroup] List of category groups. The ids refer to a category in the categories field. Categories without a CategoryGroup should also get displayed.
allow_invoices Bool A boolean value
category_groups_overview Bool Show an overview of all the category groups on the webshop homepage
display_mode String String enumarion of 'blocks', 'list'
takeout_use_intervals Bool A boolean value
joyn_enabled Bool A boolean value
category_overview Bool Show an overview of all the categories on the webshop homepage
fold_category_groups Bool Whether the shop prefers to hide all the categories for all category groups by default
currency Currency 3 letter ISO 4217 currency name (string)

Example response 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 33939

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Version update available Please adjust your integration to the latest stable version (1.9.0)
1.7.0 stable