Get import report of products by shop id

POST /company/shops/@shop_id/products/import/upload



This endpoint requires authentication.

Header Value
Authorization Set the value to Bearer + + access_token

URL parameters

Replace the @ keywords in the URL with their corresponding value.

A dictionary with fields

Field Type Description
shop_id Int The ID of the shop that you want to import products for

Example request 1

POST /company/shops/14/products/import/upload HTTP/1.1
X-VERSION: 1.9.0
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5


The analysis of a products import upload

Field Type Description
newCategories Int How many new categories will be made?
updateCategories Int How many categories will be updated?
deleteCategories Int How many categories will be deleted?
newProducts Int How many new products will be made?
updateProducts Int How many products will be updated?
deleteProducts Int How many products will be deleted?
importId String The ID of the import

Example response 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 181

    "newCategories": 10,
    "updateCategories": 16,
    "deleteCategories": 17,
    "newProducts": 14,
    "updateProducts": 14,
    "deleteProducts": 17,
    "importId": "..."
1.9.0 stable