
A dictionary with fields

Field Type Description
status String Optional. Only return orders with this status
created_after Timestamp Optional. Only return orders that were placed after (including) this timestamp. Do not use this for pagination as multiple orders might share the same created_at timestamp.
created_before Timestamp Optional. Only return orders that were placed before (including) this timestamp. You can use this together with created_after. Do not use this for pagination as multiple orders might share the same created_at timestamp.
before_id Int Optional. Only return orders created before (not including) the order with the given id. Before isn't the same as smaller, it might return IDs that are larger than the given id from orders that are validated before the given order id! Use for pagination.
after_id Int Optional. Only return orders created after (not including) the order with the given id. After isn't the same as larger, it might return IDs that are smaller than the given id from orders that are validated after the given order id! Use for pagination.
sort String Optional. Sort the results in ascending (default) or descending order by creation date (the date an order is paid or validated). Default is ascending.


Example 1

    "status": "PENDING",
    "created_after": 1657085970,
    "created_before": 1657085970,
    "before_id": 17,
    "after_id": 18,
    "sort": "ascending"
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