Get all the shops of a company

GET /company/companies/@id/shops



This endpoint requires authentication.

Header Value
Authorization Set the value to Bearer + + access_token

URL parameters

Replace the @ keywords in the URL with their corresponding value.

A dictionary with fields

Field Type Description
id Int Return all shops of the given company

Example request 1

GET /company/companies/19/shops HTTP/1.1
X-VERSION: 1.8.0
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5


Array of company.Shop.detailed: [company.Shop.detailed]


Field Type Description
name String Name of the shop (not translateable for now)
active Bool A boolean value
address Address.detailed An address
allow_comments Bool A boolean value
allow_orders Bool A boolean value
delivery_use_intervals Bool A boolean value
allow_invoices Bool A boolean value
allow_order_comments Bool A boolean value
allow_product_comments Bool A boolean value
takeout_use_intervals Bool A boolean value
allow_order_messages Bool A boolean value
categories [company.Category.simple] List of the categories of all the categories visible for the shop
category_groups [company.CategoryGroup] List of the category groups linked to the shop. More information can be found on the category group documentation page.
currency String A String value
emails Dictionary Email settings
id Int ID of the shop
avatar Image? Nullable.
banner Image? Nullable.
url String URL the shop in case it is using a platform

Example response 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 24544

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                        "en": "Et voluptatem quae error sint pariatur aut dolores. Voluptas enim recusandae aut ut unde repellat."
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                        "en": "Aut veniam aut officia quos. Ut rerum quasi commodi. Tempore facere nulla aperiam quam quia nihil. Sit tempore explicabo illo qui et ut."
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                        "en": "Voluptatum nihil voluptate deserunt recusandae laborum. Non minima et perferendis explicabo mollitia."
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Version update available Please adjust your integration to the latest stable version (1.9.0)
1.8.0 stable