Release notes

Version 1.8.0

Customer API

In this version the shop offers aka deals got an upgrade.
This upgrade doesn't change existing behavior.
If you're interested to learn more about this upgrade, please check the documentation.
If you have further questions, please contact

Company API

Version 1.7.0

Customer API

IMPORTANT!: please note that this version contains breaking changes for options and optionsets, you need to test your whole integration before switching to this version.

Company API

Version 1.6.0

IMPORTANT!: please note that this version contains breaking changes regarding stock management (min_max in products), you need to test your whole integration before switching to this version.

Customer API

Company API

Version 1.5.2

Customer API

Company API

Version 1.5.1

Customer API

Version 1.5.0

Customer API

It is no longer possible to upload before API v1.5.0.

Company API

Version 1.4.0

Customer API

Company API

Safe update from 1.3.0 without code changes

Version 1.3.0

Customer API

Company API

Review order fetching before upgrading from 1.2.0

Version 1.2.0

Changed endpoints

Version 1.1.0

Add functionalitities for the customer API to filter on a company in shops and orders (not yet in shop search).

Also added the 'credomatic' payment method.

List of changed endpoints (customer API only)

Version 1.0.1

The payment method carte_bleue is renamed to cartes_bancaires.

Version 1.0.0 (timezones and currencies)

We bumped up our version to 1.0.0 to indicate that the API is now mature.

Company API

Customer API

List of changed endpoints

Version 0.3.0

Company API:

Customer API:

Version 0.2.2

Customer API:

Version 0.2.1

Customer API:

Version 0.2.0

Company API:

Version 0.1.5

Customer API:

Version 0.1.4

We changed all the customer endpoints that return products to require a shop ID. This is needed to provide information in the products details that is related to the shop. We will use this information later on to also provide discount related information per product.

Warning : if you store or cache any product information, please always include the shop ID. Product ID is not unique anymore, the combination between product ID and shop ID is unique. If you reuse the same product ID from your database, but use it for a different shop, it will contain slightly different information.

Version 0.1.3

Version 0.1.2

Version 0.1.1

Version update available Please adjust your integration to the latest stable version (1.9.0)
1.5.0 stable